New Chapter

Created by Rebecca 14 years ago
Grady was born 7-1-2010, He was 7 weeks early but plenty big enough to survive if not for all the other exsisting health problems. Grady had to have surgery on his head to aliviate pressure on his brain due to, too much fluid. His ventricles in his brain were enlarged which they told us would cause him to be slow (that didnt matter to us) He was supposed to have heart surgery as well but when we found out his lungs were not developed and he would never be able to breath on his own, we decided that we did not want to put him through the pain and suffering of another surgery. This was the hardest decision me and his daddy have ever had to make. On July 12 when he was 11 days old we decided to take that day for family and friends to come and say goodbye to Grady. He was loved by so many. July 13th came and I wanted time to stand still. I didnt want to take the tubes out, I didnt want my son to stop breathing, I wanted more than anything to take him home with me where he belonged with his daddy and his big brother. That didnt happen. They put him in my arms and slowly started undoing all the wires and the tape. The time came. They told me they would pull the tube out and they didnt know how long he would live after that. This was the first time I had seen his face without the tape and the tubes. HE WAS BEAUTIFUL! He opened his eyes and looked up at me, I think he was saying "goodbye mommy". He closed his eyes and me and daddy held him until Jesus took him home. He lived for an hour after they took the tubes out. mommy, daddy, brother and lots of grandmas and grandpas all got to see him and say goodbye that day.